Hormone Pellet Therapy for Men: What You Need to Know

It is completely normal for men to experience a decrease in testosterone levels as they age. For most males, they experience a peak in testosterone production from their early teens until the age of thirty, after which their testosterone levels steadily decrease with each year. 

Although decreasing levels of testosterone is a completely normal part of life, if your hormones fall below a normal range, you may have a reason for concern. A dip below an average level of testosterone production is generally accompanied by varying unpleasant symptoms.

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To understand the changes occurring within your body, it is first important to be aware of exactly what hormones are. Hormones are chemicals made by our body’s glands designed to be messengers, telling our body how to work. Hormones control almost all tasks within the body including brain function, sex drive, growth, and the breakdown of food. If your hormones are out of balance due to aging, symptoms of the imbalance may manifest.

Symptoms That You May Be In Need Of Hormone Pellet Therapy

As you age, you will want to keep an eye on your hormone levels to ensure that they do not drop below the normal range. You should also be aware of what symptoms to be on the lookout for that could be telltale signs of your hormones being imbalanced.

Indicators that you may have low hormone levels include:

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Low energy

  • Low bone density

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Increased risk of diabetes and heart disease

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Lower sexual drive and reduced libido

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Increased body fat

  • Mood swings

  • Brain fog

What Is Hormone Pellet Therapy?

If you have begun to suffer from any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it may be a good idea to have your hormone levels checked to see if you are in need of hormone replacement pellet therapy. It isn’t uncommon for men to find the idea of hormone replacement pellets to be slightly intimidating. However, the actual process of bioidentical hormone pellet therapy is fairly straightforward. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement pellets utilize low-dosage pellets in order to stabilize your hormones and bring your levels back to normal. 

The hormone replacement pellets are implanted beneath your skin and release testosterone as your body needs it. This is a very effective form of hormone replacement therapy and is able to help many patients who are suffering from imbalanced hormones due to age.

How Are Bioidentical Hormones Made?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are extremely similar to the natural hormones produced by the human body. Derived from plants and other natural resources, bioidentical hormones are used in hormone pellet therapy with testosterone among the most commonly replicated hormone.

What Is The Difference Between Traditional And Bioidentical Hormones?

Unlike traditional hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormones are made to be chemically identical to the hormones that our bodies produce naturally. Whereas with traditional hormone therapy the hormones are synthetically created, bioidentical hormones are made from plant hormones.

Because bioidentical hormones are more alike natural hormones found in the human body, many people prefer bioidentical hormone therapy to traditional hormone therapy.

Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

For a more in-depth discussion on the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy, you should have a conversation with your doctor. Having a knowledgeable hormone replacement doctor will ease any anxiety you have about the process and will ensure that you are fully aware of all the implications surrounding pellet therapy.

Bioidentical hormone therapy may lower your risk for certain diseases that generally accompany aging. Some of the disease risks that could be potentially lowered by hormone replacement therapy are:

  • Cognitive decline

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Osteoporosis

  • Risk of bone fractures

  • Erectile dysfunction

How To Choose The Best Doctor For Hormone Therapy

When it comes to choosing a doctor to work with, it’s important to find someone who can customize the treatment to your unique situation and condition. This is where bioidentical hormone comes out far ahead of most traditional hormone treatments. Traditional treatments tend to treat all patients the same and fail to tailor hormone treatment to your situation. 

If you are ready to begin a hormone treatment program that is perfectly customized to you, contact us today to hear how Waterfront Wellness can help you improve your quality of life.