How Safe Is CoolSculpting - Risks, Dangers Involved, How to Avoid Them

How safe is CoolSculpting?

If it’s your first time considering getting CoolSculpting treatments and you want to fully understand the potential dangers of CoolSculpting before undergoing the procedure, this article is for you. 

Here at Waterfront Wellness, our clinic has been working with CoolSculpting patients to help them fully understand the potential side effects, benefits, and timeline of CoolSculpting treatments, so that they feel capable of making the decision as to whether or not they want CoolSculpting. 

Continue reading to learn more about what CoolSculpting is and whether or not it’s the right treatment option for you or get in touch with Waterfront Wellness to speak with one of our team members about our services and availability. 

Is Coolsculpting Safe

What Is CoolSculpting And Is It Safe? 

First things first, what exactly is CoolSculpting? 

Before learning about the potential side effects of this body sculpting treatment option, we must first answer the question of what exactly it is. 

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body-sculpting technique that uses cryolipolysis to freeze and kill fat cells, which enables your body to naturally process and dispose of the dead cells — resulting in a more sculpted body. 

Is CoolSculpting Safe And Effective?

So now that you know what CoolSculpting is, let’s answer that all-important question, is Cool Sculpting safe?

According to WebMD, less than 1% of people who receive CoolSculpting treatments experience severe side effects (such as paradoxical fat hyperplasia). 

While many patients may experience some of the minor side effects of the procedure, very few experience severe adverse reactions. However, if you have concerns about the CoolSculpting process, you should always speak with your primary care doctor and a knowledgeable CoolSculpting specialist before moving forward with the procedure. 

As for CoolSculpting’s effectiveness, Healthline reports that CoolSculpting patients can reduce fat cells in a targeted area by up to 25% — making it a very effective form of fat reduction. 

Potential CoolSculpting Side Effects

When it comes to CoolSculpting safety and side effects, though potential reactions and side effects are not debilitating or common, they’re still good to be aware of. 

Here are five potential side effects that CoolSculpting patients may notice after undergoing treatments. 

  1. Swelling or redness in the treated area

  2. Bruising and feeling of tenderness

  3. Tingling, numbness, or tugging sensations in the treated area 

  4. Skin sensitivity 

  5. Muscle cramping

It’s important to remember that if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns, that you should always speak with your primary doctor prior to beginning CoolSculpting treatments. If you have additional questions about the potential side effects of CoolSculpting, get in touch with Waterfront Wellness to speak with one of our body-sculpting professionals.  

Who To Speak With About CoolSculpting Risks & Concerns 

When it comes to who you should consult about your concerns of the risks of CoolSculpting, you should always make sure to talk with your primary care doctor about any and all health concerns. 

Your primary care doctor understands your medical history better than anyone and should be able to provide satisfactory answers for all of your concerns.

After you’ve spoken with your primary care doctor, you should also schedule a consultation with a CoolSculpting specialist. A CoolSculpting doctor will be able to help you understand what CoolSculpting is, how it works, and what your CoolSculpting timeline may look like. 

Benefits Of CoolSculpting 

Now that we’ve examined the potential risks of CoolSculpting, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting Benefits

  • The ability to target and treat specific problem areas (such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, chin, back, etc.). 

  • It is a quick and painless procedure. 

  • CoolSculpting results in noticeable fat loss within a few weeks. 

  • No recovery period needed.

  • It is an FDA-approved body-sculpting procedure. 

  • CoolSculpting is non-invasive.

  • It can help improve your body positivity and self-confidence. 

What To Expect During a CoolSculpting Session 

Here are a couple of things that you can expect during and after your CoolSculpting session:

  • You will be required to lay on the table while your CoolSculpting specialist uses the CoolSculpting applicator on the designated areas. 

  • Most sessions last between 30-60 minutes.

  • You may experience a feeling of intense cold during the procedure.

  • You may be required to do multiple sessions in order to achieve the results you want. 

  • You may experience a tugging or pulling sensation during your session. 

  • It may take several weeks for your results to show.

  • You can resume normal activities immediately following your session — no recovery period needed! 

When Will I See My Results? 

When do CoolSculpting results become visible? 

While each patient is different and has a body that processes differently, most CoolSculpting patients report noticeable physical changes between one and three months after their treatments. 

The reason why results take several weeks to show is due to the fact that the body requires time to process and dispose of the dead fat cells. 

During this time there may not be a noticeable change, but the body is hard at work in the background taking care of the dead cells and bringing you closer to a more toned body. 

Who Should Avoid CoolSculpting Therapy? 

When it comes to who should avoid CoolSculpting, there are a number of medical conditions which make CoolSculpting dangerous or non-effective. 

People who should definitely avoid CoolSculpting treatments include: 

  • Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive 

  • Individuals with a disorder known as Cryoglobulinemia — which would make the body’s response to the treatment not ideal 

  • Auto-immune diseases

  • Poor circulation

  • Nervous system conditions

  • Raynaud’s disease

  • Eczema 

  • Psoriasis

  • Those with a long history of blood-thinner usage

Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list of individuals who should avoid CoolSculpting therapy and if you have concerns about the treatment you should always discuss them with your doctor. 

Where To Get CoolSculpting Therapy 

If you are looking for a CoolSculpting clinic, get in touch with Waterfront Wellness today. 

Here at Waterfront Wellness, we offer CoolSculpting services and consultations in order to help each and every one of our patients achieve their body weight and aesthetics. 

To schedule your first consultation or CoolSculpting appointment, get in touch with Waterfront Wellness today.